Employ City let's build a team together

We will find the best professionals for you in the shortest possible time, with strict adherence to your specifications and a clear understanding of the tasks.

  • 67 000 +

    specialists in our database

  • 1670 +

    successfully filled vacancies

  • 24 hours

    actual vacancy closing record


Each Employ city recruiter has prior IT expertise. This will aid in your search for the best-qualified candidates and ensure that you meet all regulations.

  • Software programming and development

  • Internet marketing

  • Account Management and Project Management

  • Design, UI/UX

  • Staff in GameDev

  • Testing and Quality Management

No More Deadline Anxiety — Trust us to Deliver

Deadlines are approaching, clients are expecting a response, and the team is short-staffed. It is tough to get out of this situation without incurring losses. But you can:) With us, you won't have to worry about this.

  • No resources

    Do you lack the time and trained personnel to search for, select, and hire employees? We will cut your costs and get you the first candidates in three days.

  • Losses

    Are you losing clients and potential profits due to stalled tasks? Upon getting your request, we get to work immediately.

  • No candidates

    Are you being swamped with irrelevant responses? We will handle the applicant search and selection, providing only qualified candidates.

Send your application and receive the first candidates within three* working days!

Stages of work


We discuss your requirements, create a detailed description of the ideal candidate, and write the job description.


We search for candidates who meet your requirements using internal and external channels.


We review target candidates' resumes and conduct interviews with qualified applicants.


We keep candidates engaged, especially if the recruiting process is prolonged.


If there are any doubts, we can help you make a decision.


We assist the new employee in onboarding. Find a replacement as soon as possible if something goes wrong.

What to expect in a free consultation

  • Analysis of the profile of the specialist you require

  • The average cost of a specialist

  • Recommendations for the candidate's skills and motivation

  • Book a free consultation on your vacancy

    Picking the best in the industry

    • Swift

      You will receive the first set of candidates within three business days. Our work strategy has evolved over time, and we avoid unnecessary steps.

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      Tatiana MalinovskayaCEO Employ City
    • Efficiency

      We work with our own candidate database. We close vacancies using restricted resources and proven IT connections.

    • Support

      We offer full consultation at all stages of the project and keep you updated on the progress.

    Want to find an employee?

    Send a request

    Please leave a request and one of our specialist will contact you within one business day.

      Preferred contact method
      Tatiana MalinovskayaCEO Employ City
      Ekaterina NagornovaRecruiter
      Настя Багунова, Senior IT Recruiter
      Anastasia BagunovaTeam Lead IT Recruitment
      Артем Осипов, Middle IT recruiter
      Artem OsipovMiddle IT Recruiter
      Юлия Кудряшова, IT recruiter
      Yulia KudryashovaBack Account Manager
      Аня Балан, Account Manager
      Anna BalanAccount Manager
      Мария Переверзева, HR Business Partner
      Maria PereverzevaHead of International Back Office Recruitment

      Popular questions

      Find out more about the recruiting process and working conditions.

      • Just contacting an agency is not enough. First, you need to define which tasks the agency should handle. Then, consider several different companies, study their offers, and submit applications to those that best suit your needs. During the application or the first consultation, make sure to state your goals clearly. These could range from just needing help interviewing to a full-fledged search and selection of candidates. After the consultation, assuming there are no further questions, you can conclude a contract with the agency. The agency will begin searching for the first candidates within three working days.
      • First, you give the agency's recruiters a list of vacancies and requirements for candidates to find and select the most suitable professionals. The agency can create a profile of the ideal candidate based on a set of criteria and write the job advertisement without external assistance. Next, recruiters start searching through external and internal channels, conduct selection, and conduct the first stage of the interview. Then the candidates are offered to the customer. Many agencies additionally provide the service of integrating a new employee into the team. If the selected candidate has not passed the probationary period, the second selection round begins according to the same scheme.
      • Depends on the agency. Some specialize only in the selection of IT specialists, others work with line personnel, and others select any professionals. There are also agencies that are engaged not in "selection" but in "hunting"—they lure top specialists from competing companies.
      • Timing must be discussed when completing the application and meeting with the agency. You'll be aware of how long recruiters have to provide you with a list of candidates before you even sign the contract. The first options are usually sent to the customer within three business days; however, this can vary based on our clients' unique requirements and the expert's specialization level. Following the initial presentation of candidates, candidates are subjected to a series of interviews before being invited to meet with the company. Up to two weeks may pass during this process.
      • At Employ City, we help identify a candidate's key competencies and critical job requirements. Our team has recruiters with a psychology background who accurately portray the candidate and predict his approach to work. When selecting "hard" competencies and soft skills, the applicant's temperament and previous experience are essential.
      • Do not worry: the warranty period is specified in the contract, and the recruitment agency will be looking for a replacement during this period. The duration of the warranty period depends on the position for which the employee is selected.